Ochranné střelecké brýle II

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail50050/2024-859501. 08. 2024LMP Company s.r.o.569 474,40470 640,00569 474,40470 640,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailSitkeys s.r.o.Dýšina932 805,30770 911,50CZKNo
DetailLMP Company s.r.o.Praha569 474,40470 640,00CZKYes
DetailEUROLAMP s.r.oSlavkov u Brna742 000,00613 220,60CZKNo
DetailJan ŠulcPraha 9750 321,00620 100,00CZKNo
DetailBOIS Opava a.s.Opava1 356 254,101 120 870,50CZKNo
DetailVV TOP s.r.o.Brno699 017,00577 700,00CZKNo
DetailTomáš SvitekPraha 561 898,7051 155,60CZKNo